Our purpose

We want to play a significant role in tackling the climate and protein challenges. We will do that with a relentless focus on how we can help transform agricultural inputs from having a deforestation and ocean-trashing footprint, to having a net positive impact on agriculture.

The InsectBiotech Group and its products will offer positive solutions to crucial environmental issues, empower rural communities, tackle food waste, develop a circular industrial model, and make profits whilst doing so.

Circular industrial innovation that has a net positive impact on people and the environment is entirely possible. We’re here to help demonstrate how it can be done.

Our business is what we call a “Triple play”: We’ll reduce industrial agricultural waste, create jobs and income in rural areas in the EU, and provide a net positive protein feedstock for animals, and other circular, innovative bio-based products as a result.

We will transform waste into higher-value, sustainable products

sustainable inputs


Olive oil production by-products and other agricultural waste.
sustainabe activity


Production of high-quality protein for pet, cattle and aquaculture feed.
sutainable impacts


Huge reduction of land use, GHGs and ocean footprint.


Spanish made; sustainable feedstock that helps protect the planet.